What is your why?
Victoria Lewis Victoria Lewis

What is your why?

As a business owner, you know what you do and how you do it, but WHY are you in business?

Is your Vision Aligned with your Purpose?

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Top Tip
Victoria Lewis Victoria Lewis

Top Tip

Lay the right Foundations for Business Success

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Shattering the Glass Ceiling
Victoria Lewis Victoria Lewis

Shattering the Glass Ceiling

In a monumental shift that has left a lasting imprint on Australia's aviation and corporate landscape, history was now been written with the appointment of female CEOs at all three major airlines.

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The Power of Positivity in business
Victoria Lewis Victoria Lewis

The Power of Positivity in business

Harnessing the Power of Positivity for a Productive Business

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, there's one thing that can truly make a difference in our lives and our businesses: POSITIVE THINKING.

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⭐ You only need 4 people in your business life ⭐
Victoria Lewis Victoria Lewis

⭐ You only need 4 people in your business life ⭐

Who is in your circle of trust when it comes to business? Ever wondered about the people that come into your life at different times and the difference they make? Are they a friend? Maybe someone who offers helpful advise?

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Are you in your business helicopter or rowing the boat?
Victoria Lewis Victoria Lewis

Are you in your business helicopter or rowing the boat?

It's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day operations of your business, but it's important to take a step back and think about the big picture. At Business Activators, we use the analogy of being in the helicopter or the boat to remind ourselves to do just that.

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What is a Balance Sheet and How do I read one?
Victoria Lewis Victoria Lewis

What is a Balance Sheet and How do I read one?

The Business Activators network consists of knowledgeable professionals who can assist you with reading and understanding your balance sheet and cash flow statement - two of the most vital documents for running your business proficiently.

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